Send joy with handmade cards

That's wonderful! Handmade greeting cards exude a very special charm, and the use of Media Mix gives them an additional uniqueness. Media Mix refers to the clever combination of different materials and techniques in a work of art. In my greeting cards this means that I combine different media such as drawings, paintings, collages or stamps.

The variety of materials and techniques creates versatile and creative greeting cards. Even with the same motifs, each card is unique. No map can be reproduced exactly the same.

It's a wonderful way to send a special message to someone and put a smile on their face.

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12 products

Lieblingsjahreszeit Karten Kreativ Werkstatt 24
Regular price SFr. 6.90
Favorite season
Das Leben ist wie eine Ballonfahrt Karten Kreativ Werkstatt 24
Regular price SFr. 6.90
Life is like a balloon ride
Ich wünsche dir einen Regenbogen Karten Kreativ Werkstatt 24
Regular price SFr. 6.90
I wish you a rainbow
Regular price SFr. 9.90
birthday boy
Geh nie zurück
Regular price SFr. 9.90
never go back
Herz rosa-orange
Regular price SFr. 6.90
heart pink-orange
Goldene Sterne
Regular price SFr. 6.90
golden stars